Linda Scott

Feb 22, 2017

The Female Lead

I was recently in London for the launch of The Female Lead, a wonderful new book, curriculum and video series that celebrates how women shape the world with their achievement, endeavor and diversity. Written by data science businesswoman Edwina Dunn, the book works to increase girls’ confidence and encourage them to be leaders in their own lives and in their work. I participated in a panel moderated by Christiane Amanpour (pictured above with me) at the launch at the British Science Museum where we talked with 300 girls (and a few boys) about everything – from how we feel about ambition, to our biggest failures. The whole purpose of The Female Lead is to help girls and women everywhere to realize their hopes and to see drive and ambition as normal.

The book recognizes my creation of Take Our Daughters to Work Day and I am thrilled to be profiled alongside 60 accomplished women including Meryl Streep, space scientist Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock, and Ava DuVarney, the first African-American Academy Award-nominated Director for her documentary 13th, just to name a few. In addition to the book, you can find many wonderful videos of the profiled women (check out my feature below and Christiane’s and Ava’s videos too) plus videos from girls at The Mulberry School talking about how they see themselves and the challenges ahead.

The book and its ideas remind me of the progress millions of girls (now women) have made since the founding of Take Our Daughters to Work Day in 1993. They are attending college in greater and greater numbers and launching businesses in every sector of the US economy, including male-dominated areas like construction and mining. To promote women making successful strides in these spaces, we are all encouraged to support The Female Lead’s mission and keep circulating images and stories about courageous, brilliant, ordinary and powerful women.

By showcasing these women’s stories front and center, girls can have no doubt that their accomplishments and images not only belong in beautiful books, but everywhere: on social media feeds, the walls of corporate boardrooms, in the press, at museums, in government buildings, and on the ballot.

The Female Lead, a not-for-profit organization was established to provide girls with alternative and accessible role models by telling stories of women from all backgrounds. Support their work by ordering your copy of The Female Lead today.

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